The Ordinary Differential Equations Project

Thomas Judson

Digital versions PDF and HTML
PreTeXt source Yes
Exercises Yes
Solutions No
License GNU Free Documentation License

This text is for a first undergraduate course in ordinary differential equations. While the exposition develops a fairly rigorous theoretical foundation, this text also includes an emphasis on modeling and computation. Embedded Sage cells allow readers to perform computations directly within the book, and each chapter ends with a collection of rich projects that integrate recently developed ideas and illustrate current uses of them. Each section includes reading questions and several activities to support an active learning environment. Given the amount of content, classroom use will require choosing between topics, such as nonlinear systems and Laplace transforms.


  1. A First Look at Differential Equations
  2. Systems of Differential Equations
  3. Linear Systems
  4. Second-Order Linear Equations
  5. Nonlinear Systems
  6. The Laplace Transform