Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications

Edward A. Bender and S. Gill Williamson

Digital versions PDF
Latex source No
Exercises Yes
Solutions Full solutions to odd-number exercises
License Copyright 2006 by authors, all rights reserved
  • Text for a first course in combinatorics at a higher leve with greater emphasis on algorithmic and computational aspects than usual
  • Print version published by Dover for $23
  • 468 pages, 11 chapters, appendices
  • 19 separate PDF documents must be downloaded for the full book
  • Plenty of exercises following each section
  • MAA Review by Kara Shane Colley
  • For more information and to download

From the preface:

Parts I and II deal with two fundamental aspects of combinatorics: enumeration and graph theory. “Enumeration” can mean either counting or listing things. Mathematicians have generally limited their attention to counting, but listing plays an important role in computer science, so we discuss both aspects. After introducing the basic concepts of “graph theory” in Part II, we present a variety of applications of interest in computer science and mathematics. Induction and recursion play a fundamental role in mathematics. The usefulness of recursion in computer science and in its interaction with combinatorics is the subject of Part III. In Part IV we look at “generating functions,” a powerful tool for studying counting problems.